Saturday, April 25, 2009

Charlie Angus: Souvenir Freedom Fighter

We’re gearing up for the biggest change to our border since it was implemented.

Our economy is struggling, with thousands being laid off or facing being laid off.

A Canadian, now 22, has been held in Guantanimo Bay since he was 15.

Our country is continually under attack by US companies exploiting Section 11 of NAFTA to sue our governments for millions of dollars.

And what does NDP MP Charlie Angus choose to bring up as a point of discussion in parliament? The fact that Canadian lapel pins are made in China.


Chuck feels very strongly about this issue. He raised a similar stink in 2005 where he was successful in stopping the Liberal government from outsourcing their production.

Culture needs to be protected in our country. The manufacturing industry needs to be protected in this country. But I question whether bringing up where souvenir pins are manufactured truly speaks to either of those areas and is a good use of time when our elected officials could be dealing with more important things.

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